Babies' skin can be especially sensitive to synthetics. Our naturally breathable pram liners allow air to circulate and canhelp regulate your little one's temperature while they're in the pram.

Additional Information
Will your pram liners fit my pram?
The liners in this collection are specifically made to fit Bugaboo prams. The fit in a Fox is displayed. The Fox 5 fit could be used in a Donkey but it might be a bit wide.
Are Audrey and Me products machine washable?
Yes. All of our products are sent out with special care instructions. We're mothers too and we KNOW how important it is to have simple washing options available!
Can I order a bumper cover separately for the Ready to Go liners?
No. This collection is made in batches and we do not do not keep enough fabric on hand to make bumper covers as an add on.

Best Fitting pram liners
We've made liners for every Bugaboo model for the past decade. From the Bugaboo Frog to the Cameleon, Buffalo and now the Fox.